Wednesday 13 March 2013

Toughness is in soul and spirits not in muscles

Harriet Tumbin has truly quoted that "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
When you are determined to reach the destination then nothing can stop you.There is no obstacle to your goals when you are zealous to achieve the targets. Opportunities are not by chance availed  rather they are created. As Quaid-e-Azam truly said " I don't believe in taking right decisions. I take the decisions and make them right." These are the efforts that make you great. You are not great by birth.
While evaluating my ideas i'll say that it is determination which leads to success. It is not physical strength that determines fate and changes luck. If this is true than our Quaid would never be the "Founder of Pakistan",who inspite of his poor health worked day and night and till his death bed.
If this happened to be true then Stephen Hawking would never be able to present "Big Bang Theory" and "Black Hole Theory",who despite of being a paralyzed person captivated the world.
So if you are enthusiastic internally then physical health is not a prime factor for success. It is internal motivation which is cardinal cause of excellent work and success.
In Quran God has said "Man gets that for what he struggles". God Almighty has defined a key that it is the effort which changes the fates. Then how the saying of God can be denied? How power of muscles can be the key to triumph?
By wrapping up my view i'll say it is truely quoted that "Toughness is in soul and spirits not in muscles".

Friday 8 March 2013

"Charms Strikes The Sight But Merit Wins The Soul"

By quoting "There are charms only made for distant admiration" by Samuel Johnson,it is easy to elaborate that it is merit which wins the heart and soul not deceptive beauty and illusive charm. In this superficial world,unjust society and monetary masses, you can win their hearts by cash not by good deeds. Glamorous world rushes toward sight striking charms and illusory charisma. This is not world of honesty, truthfulness and integrity.But in fact it is merit which wins the souls not charms,a harsh reality to be accepted by the superficial people and is converse of their perception. 
I have thousands of examples to support my argument.Hazrat Bilal Habshi must be before your eyes,the merit he came upto was not measured on the bases of physiognomy, creed, color, caste, or race. Piety was merit; he came up to it.
Similarly while carrying on discussion, in context of "Charms Strikes The Sight But Merit Wins The Soul",on the current scenario of women status in society,fair complexion,ideal height,slim figure and unveiling are considered to be merit for marriage.Rather than faith,character and integrity of delicate creature.
The dead ends due to charming strikes are obvious in form of current scenario of our society,where fake degree holder illiterates are your representatives, illiterate people are parliamentarian and ignorant are leaders,due to the game played by money and superficiality,not by merit.
This is the merit which wins the soul not the charm that strikes the sight.

"Handsome is that handsome does"

An adage by Walter Annenberg "All I ever seek from good deeds is a measure of respect." illustrates well the fact that beauty neither lies in skin nor in appearance but in character and good deeds. Pretty faces may cheat but beautiful hearts can never deceive.Khalil Gibran has truely articulated in an aphorism that “Beauty is not the face; beauty is a light in the heart”.
In this glamorous world people acquiesce illusory beauty open heartily than pretty heart with ugly face.Although it is a harsh aspersion but true.
On other hand glimpses of history strongly support the quote "Handsome is that handsome does".
For an example Madam Diana,the princess of Britain,devoted all her life on making charity, providing care health service to poor people and education to orphan children at different corners of the world. Her campaigns inspired masses all over the world and cause of her popularity are her noble deeds rather than her facial feature.
In this context Trinh Cong Son,a popular Vietnamese composer,is a star who inspired young Vietnamese generations nation with cadence of his songs.
Iqbal,Shair-e-Mashriq,is another celebrity who earned name due to noble deeds. His repute due to his poetry is not canard.
Disguised doings can diminish the charm of appearance. Ruler Neru, Hitler were notorious due to their tyrannical acts and Sheikh Saadi truely said that "A cruel person dies but curse on him always remain."
Hence,while wrapping up my views,i'll say that good look is not cause of inspiration but it good deed which wins the heart. No doubt pretty faces are admirable but they are not alternatives of gracious deeds.